

nasscom , TN Regional Council launches NextGen Nexus – A grand challenge to identify the innovators of tomorrow. This isn’t merely a competition; the soul of this initiative is the brilliant young minds of our nation—the students. The visionaries who will steer our country into the future with their fresh, untapped ideas, when given the right platform and guidance and position India as a global powerhouse of innovation.

In the pursuit of realizing a self-sustained India it’s crucial to ignite the passion of these young minds, provoke next-generation ideas, and provide them with an environment where their concepts can transform into reality.

This is not just about nurturing the next big startup or technology but about building a nation where every dream, no matter how big or small, has the potential to come to life.

NextGenNexus is not just a platform; it’s a commitment—a commitment to our nation. Let’s come together to shape this future, one idea at a time.

Why Students Should Participate?

National Spotlight

Launch your ideas onto the national stage at NextGen Nexus. Get your innovation in front of a massive audience and watch your concept get the recognition it deserves. This isn't just a competition, it's a springboard to national visibility!

Become a Defining Leader

NextGen Nexus recognizes the top young minds like yours in India, propelling them to the forefront of innovation. This recognition carries immense weight, opening doors and paving the way for your future success.

Access to nasscom Start up network

Participants get the invaluable chance to tap into the vast nasscom Startup network, and also with the industry Ecosystem which includes leading companies, industry experts, and mentors. This network can provide guidance, mentorship, and the resources needed to refine and scale their solutions

Exciting Rewards Awaiting you! (includes Goodies, Prize Money, Mentorship et al)

The Challenge Categories

Food, Agriculture & Environment

Develop innovative Solutions leveraging emerging technologies like IoT, Data Analytics, etc., to revolutionize agriculture that works in harmony with the environment. Focus areas can be Sustainable Farming, Pollution control, Food Safety, Biodiversity Protection, Water Quality and feeding management in Aquaculture, carbon capture Etc.

Smart Cities, Infrastructure & Urban Planning

Design connected, sustainable & thriving smart cities of tomorrow. Develop advanced materials or smart construction techniques. The future of urban living is in your hands.

Transportation, Mobility & Logistics

Build solutions for a greener future with electric mobility & battery innovations. Create solutions for efficient public transport & seamless connectivity. Streamline the way goods move across the nation.

AI, Automation, Digital Governance & Cybersecurity

Develop innovative solutions focusing on enhancing Digital Governance, government-citizen interactions, service accessibility, Build a secure & efficient solution for Cybersecurity, data protection, and privacy.

Education, Empowerment & Digital Reach

Build Technology solutions to bridge the digital divide focusing on tools to deliver online learning to rural communities and approaches to enhance digital literacy in rural settings. Tailored Edtech solutions for areas with Limited infra

Eligibility Requirements

Evaluation Process & Instructions

  • Approach note Submission Deadline: All entries must be submitted by August 11th. Submissions after this date will not be accepted.
  • Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates: Post-evaluation, the top 50 or below entries will be shortlisted. These candidates will be invited for the next round of presentations.
  • Live Presentation: Shortlisted candidates will present their ideas in greater details. This stage provides an opportunity to elaborate on their concepts, clarify doubts, and address any questions from the jury.
  • Winner Declaration: Based on the live presentations and evaluation criteria, the jury will select the top 5 winners. The date for the winner announcement will be shared later. These top innovators will be nationally recognized and can avail of the numerous benefits that come with the NextGenNexus program.

Round 1:
After the submission deadline, a panel of esteemed juries will assess all entries based on the following criteria on total of 25 Points:

  • Originality (5 points): How unique is the idea. Does it stand out from existing solutions.
  • Innovation (5 Points): Is the idea forward-thinking and showcasing creativity.
  • Potential & Relevance(5 Points): Does the idea address a pressing issue. Does it have the potential for a significant positive impact.
  • Feasibility & Execution(5 Points): Is the idea realistic Is there a clear path to execution, and is it backed by a well-researched concept blueprint.
  • Scalability(5 Points): How easily can this idea be scaled to a larger audience or different regions.

Round 2:

Shortlisted candidates will present their working model to our jury. The evaluation will be conducted based on the presentation.

Round 1 Instructions:

1. Platform Access:
You will be provided with single credentials for your team to access the iamneo platform, our technology partner.

2. File Submission:

  • Upload your approach note in one of the following formats: PDF, PPT, or Word.
    Ensure the upload size is less than 50 MB. 
  • You may include GitHub links in your approach note. If you do, please ensure that the necessary permissions are granted for the jury to evaluate your work.

3. Approach Note Format:

  • Please find the sample approach note format attached.
  • Attach your approach note following the same format – Format link

Round 2 Instructions:

  • If your team is shortlisted, you will be required to present your working model to our jury.


          If you have any queries regarding the hackathon, please reach out to us at