Make Data-Driven Hiring Decisions

Get real-time insights and assess your candidate’s progress with our Live Analytics Dashboard. Utilize data-based interventions and obtain micro-level performance using live reports and dashboards.

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Turn Data into Action

Uncover in-depth insights with live reports

Uncover in-depth insights with live reports

With the neohire’s live reports, you can reveal patterns, identify skill insights, and pinpoint areas for improvement. Our robust collection of live reports streamlines performance monitoring and enables recruiters to make data-based decisions.

Optimal Performance Monitoring

Custom Bi Reports and dashboards to monitor progress in real-time.

Live micro-level performance-based data insights to monitor skill instantly.

Optimal Performance Monitoring

Gain visibility and oversee what candidates are doing on your platform through session recording.

Live Coding Analysis to examine the live codes of candidates as they actively undertake assessments.

Talent acquisition insights that drive results