Digital Transformation in IT recruitment



The world of recruitment is shifting rapidly. Digital transformation is revolutionizing businesses, and the IT industry is no exception. Companies are now focusing on building an attractive talent pool for the next phase of digital disruption by incorporating new technology and processes into the recruitment process. With the advent of Digital technology, it’s never been more important for recruiters to have the right tools and resources to succeed.

Let’s examine the recruitment practices in the IT industry in the 1990s and how they have changed due to digital transformation.

IT recruitment in the 90s

There was significant demand for talent during the 1990s as the IT industry was expanding quickly. However, the hiring procedure for IT positions was very dissimilar from now. The internet was less widely available than now, meaning job seekers had to rely on more traditional methods of finding job openings.

At that time, recruiters would get offline resumes in the mail, scan them using software, and enter the information into a database. It also includes placing classified advertising in newspapers and journals and attending job fairs and networking events. In contrast to submitting a resume online through a job portal, resumes were usually sent or given in person to the company. As a result, applying for a job could take a lot of work.

The Decade of Noughties (2000-2009)

With the internet booming and then came websites for everything. Recruiters started posting online job boards while waiting for people to apply online. Online recruitment boards began to grow and evolved into the current recruitment landscape. 

 Another popular method of recruitment was through recruitment agencies. These agencies would act as intermediaries between companies looking to hire IT professionals and job seekers looking for IT positions. Recruitment agencies typically have a database of candidates and match them with available work based on their skills and experience.

Social recruiting era

The rise of social media paved a new path for recruiters, as social media has become an essential tool for recruiting and hiring top talent. With a vast pool of potential candidates at their fingertips, companies can easily connect with professionals in their industry, advertise open positions, and attract top candidates through social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

In today’s digital age, One of the significant advantages of recruiting through social media is the ability to target specific groups of people. Companies can use hashtags and targeted advertising to reach specific demographics, such as recent college graduates or experienced professionals in a particular field. Allowing recruiters to narrow their search and find the best candidates for their open positions.

Social media allows companies to showcase their culture and values, attracting candidates seeking a company that aligns with their personal goals. By sharing company updates and content, recruiters can provide candidates with a glimpse into the company culture and attract those who fit it. Social media recruitment offers an efficient and cost-effective way to connect with and screen candidates. Instead of spending time and resources on job fairs or resume databases, recruiters can use social media to quickly and easily connect with candidates.

Malpractice during assessments has been drastically reduced since the inception of AI in recruitment. AI-based proctoring tools have come up in large numbers to assist recruiters in identifying potential resources and eliminate candidates that indulge in malpractices.

Additionally, artificial intelligence (AI) in IT recruitment has become increasingly popular in recent years, allowing companies to automate certain aspects of the hiring process and find the best candidates for their open roles. AI-powered recruitment tools such as neohire can analyze resumes and job descriptions to identify the most qualified candidates, saving time and resources for recruiters. 


Overall, digital transformation transforms IT recruitment by making it more efficient, effective, and convenient. By leveraging social media and AI, businesses are transforming recruitment with the newfound channel and cutting-edge technology. Companies that embrace these technologies will be well-positioned to find and hire the best talent in the industry.