Guide to conducting an effective coding contest

Coding contests offer a thrilling opportunity for programmers to showcase their skills and compete in a challenging environment. However, organizing a coding contest that is both enjoyable and rewarding requires careful planning. In this blog post, we present a comprehensive guide to help you crack the code to organizing a fun and fulfilling coding contest. By following these steps, you can create an event that not only engages participants but also offers meaningful rewards and recognition. Let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to hosting an unforgettable coding contest.

Define Your Objectives

Clearly identify the objectives of your coding contest. Are you seeking to discover top talent, foster community engagement, or promote a specific technology? Defining your objectives will guide the entire contest design process, ensuring that your goals are met effectively.

Choose an Engaging Contest Format

Select a contest format that excites participants and keeps them hooked. Whether it’s a timed hackathon, algorithmic puzzles, or team-based challenges, choose a format that aligns with your objectives and appeals to your target audience. The format should encourage creativity, problem-solving, and healthy competition.

Craft Compelling Problem Statements

Create captivating problem statements that pique participants’ curiosity. Design problems that are challenging yet approachable, with real-world applications whenever possible. Include clear instructions, sample input/output, and relevant constraints. Ensure that the problems cater to different skill levels, allowing both beginners and advanced coders to participate.

Provide User-Friendly Development Environment

Offer a user-friendly coding environment that makes it easy for participants to write and test their code. Provide clear instructions for setting up the development environment, and ensure compatibility with popular programming languages. An intuitive and hassle-free environment will enhance the coding experience and minimize technical difficulties.

Establish Clear Contest Rules

Clearly communicate the contest rules to participants. Include information about eligibility criteria, submission guidelines, evaluation criteria, and deadlines. Define plagiarism policies and emphasize the importance of ethical coding practices. Transparent rules will ensure fairness and create a level playing field for all participants.

Implement Fair Judging and Evaluation

Design a robust judging and evaluation process that is fair and unbiased. Set clear evaluation criteria and assign appropriate weightage to different aspects, such as code efficiency, correctness, and creativity. Consider involving experienced judges or industry experts to ensure accurate assessment. Automate the evaluation process whenever possible to reduce manual errors.

Offer Meaningful Rewards and Recognition

Motivate participants by offering rewards that align with their aspirations. Consider attractive prizes, such as cash rewards, job opportunities, mentorship programs, or exclusive industry exposure. Additionally, recognize participants’ achievements through certificates, public announcements, or networking opportunities. Meaningful rewards and recognition will encourage participation and build a positive reputation for your contest.


Organizing a fun and rewarding coding contest requires careful planning, engaging problem statements, clear rules, and valuable rewards. By cracking the code to hosting an exciting coding contest, you can attract talented participants, foster skill development, and create a vibrant coding community. Get ready to unlock the potential of participants and make your contest an unforgettable experience.

6 Productive Ways to keep your Bench Employees Engaged

Employee engagement and satisfaction are key drivers of organizational success. However, when employees find themselves benched or without active assignments, their engagement levels can decline, leading to decreased motivation and disengagement. In this blog, we will explore effective strategies to improve the engagement and satisfaction of benched employees. By implementing these employee engagement strategies and initiatives, organizations can foster work engagement, mitigate disengagement, and create a positive work environment for their benched employees.

Clear Communication and Transparency

Clear communication and transparency are vital to enhancing employee engagement. When employees are benched, it is essential to communicate their status, reasons for benching, and expected duration in a transparent manner. This empowers benched employees, making them feel valued and recognized by the organization. Transparent communication fosters trust and ensures that employees remain engaged despite their temporary situation, promoting work engagement and overall employee satisfaction.

Skill Development Opportunities

During periods of benching, employees have an opportunity to focus on skill development. By offering skill development programs, training sessions, or conducting hackathons, organizations can empower benched employees to enhance their skills and boost their engagement. Encourage employees to explore new areas of expertise, acquire certifications, or participate in workshops. This investment in their professional growth demonstrates the organization’s commitment to their long-term development, improving employee satisfaction and engagement.

A well-designed Learning and Development (L&D) framework can prove invaluable in addressing such situations. Implementing one is not a daunting task as we have created a successful L&D strategy at iamneo through meticulous research and surveys. Make use of our research report The Wheel Of Engagement: An Employee-Centric L&D Framework.

Meaningful Assignments and Projects

Even when benched, employees should be given meaningful assignments or projects aligned with their skills and interests. These opportunities keep employees engaged, enabling them to utilize their capabilities effectively. Consider assigning benched employees to cross-functional teams, task forces, or internal projects. Such involvement allows them to collaborate with colleagues from different departments, broaden their knowledge, and contribute to the organization’s success, fostering work engagement and employee satisfaction.

Regular Check-Ins and Feedback

Regular check-ins with benched employees are crucial to maintain their engagement and satisfaction. Schedule one-on-one meetings to discuss their progress, concerns, and future goals. Actively listen to their feedback and address any issues promptly. Providing constructive feedback and acknowledging their efforts helps benched employees feel valued and connected to the organization, promoting work engagement and overall employee satisfaction.

Employee Recognition and Rewards

Recognizing the contributions and achievements of benched employees is vital to sustaining engagement and satisfaction. Implement a recognition system that appreciates their efforts, whether through informal praise, public recognition, or rewards. Celebrating their successes, even during periods of benching, reinforces their sense of purpose and motivates them to continue performing at their best, positively impacting employee engagement and satisfaction.

Foster a Positive and Supportive Culture

Creating a positive work culture is essential for maintaining engagement, particularly for benched employees who may experience feelings of isolation or reduced self-worth. Encourage collaboration, teamwork, and open communication throughout the organization. Foster a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable seeking assistance, sharing ideas, or seeking mentorship. By prioritizing a positive culture, organizations can mitigate disengagement and promote work engagement among benched employees, ultimately enhancing their satisfaction.


To maximize employee engagement and satisfaction for benched employees, organizations must proactively implement strategies and initiatives. Clear communication, skill development opportunities, meaningful assignments, regular check-ins, employee recognition, and fostering a positive culture are key elements in empowering benched employees and maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce.

Remember, prioritizing employee engagement initiatives leads to higher employee satisfaction, commitment, and long-term organizational success.

Top Data Structure Interview Questions: For Freshers

Proficiency in Data Structures is a must-have for any well-qualified software developer. Most of the product-based companies search for candidates with a strong understanding of Data Structures, since it is the building block to develop any software. The need for Data Structures is at an all-time high, as it has become inevitable in almost all industries. Hence to ace your interviews easily, you must know these top DSA questions.

For an exploring fresher, we recommend you to have knowledge on the top demand jobs of this decade to make yourself prepared.

What are Data Structures?

There are various types of data such as integer, character, string, boolean, enum and array. The computer interprets a value based on the datatype in which it is stored.

Once the data is stored, we need a way to manipulate it to solve the problems. Data Structures is a format that helps to store and organize data in an efficient way. This helps to increase the overall code performance by establishing relationships among the data sets. Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs are some of the data structure types.

Data Structures Interview Questions

Now let us take a look at some of the important data structure questions that will be asked in any interview.

1. List some of the applications of Data Structures

Data structures aid in managing, accessing, and manipulating large amounts of information. In this data-centric world, they are essential in nearly all industries. Some of the key areas where they are utilized include:

  • Blockchain
  • OS Development
  • Database Design
  • Complier Design
  • Machine Learning
  • Financial Systems
  • Image Processing
  • Video Games
  • Web Search Engines
  • Artificial Intelligence

2. How do you categorize linear and non-linear data structures?

In a linear data structure, the data elements are arranged in a sequential manner. One data element will be connected to its previous and/or next element in a linear fashion. There are no multiple relationships between elements and hence the traversal through data can be carried out only in a single run.

Array, queue, linked list and stack are some of the examples of a linear data structure.

Non-linear data structures are the opposite of what we said about linear data structures. The elements are connected in a hierarchical manner and hence their implementation is more complex. There is no memory wastage here.

Graphs and trees are non-linear data structures.

3. What is the difference between file structure and storage structure?

File Structure: A file structure representation is the process of converting data into a form that can be stored in a secondary memory device such as a hard disk or a pen drive. The stored data remains unchanged until it is manually deleted.

Storage Structure: Storage structure stores the data in computer memory that is, RAM. It is not permanent and gets erased as the function that uses this data executes.

4. What are the operations that can be performed on data structure types?

Traversing: Visiting the elements of data structure in a systematic manner.

Searching: Locating the required element in the data structure.

Inserting: Adding an element anywhere inside the data structure. In stack, it is called push and in queue it is called enqueue.

Deleting: Removing an element from the given data structure. In stack, it is called pop and in queue it is called dequeue.

Sorting: Arranging elements of a data structure in ascending or descending order.

Updating: Updating the value or replace an element in a data structure.

5. What is a linked list?

A linked list is a linear data structure in which each element, called a node, contains a reference (or “link”) to the next node in the sequence. The last node in the linked list typically has a link to null, indicating the end of the list.

Linked lists have several advantages over arrays, including dynamic sizing and efficient insertions and deletions. Linked lists can also be easily implemented in a variety of programming languages, making them a common data structure for a wide range of applications.

6. What are the types of linked lists?

Singly Linked Lists – each node contains a reference to the next node

Doubly Linked Lists – each node contains references to both the next and previous nodes.

Circular Linked Lists – the last node contains a reference to the first node

7. How linked lists differ from arrays?

ArrayLinked List
StructureElements are stored in consecutive memory locations.Collection of nodes, where each node contains a reference (or “link”) to the next node in the sequence
Access TimeConstant time complexity of O(1) to access an element.Time complexity of O(n) for searching elements.
SizeHave a fixed size, determined at the time of allocation.Grows dynamically as elements are added or removed.
Insertion/DeletionTime consuming as it requires shifting all the elements after the insertion/deletion point.Average time complexity of O(1) for inserting and deleting elements, as only the links between the nodes need to be updated.
Memory utilizationIneffective as we allocate the size during declarationEffective as the size adapts during runtime

8. When do we use linked list?

We use linked lists when

  • The size of data is not known in advance
  • Faster insertion and deletion are required
  • Less number of random-access operations are involved
  • There is a large number of add or remove operations
  • We have to perform arithmetic operations on long integers
  • We need to manipulate polynomials

9. How do stack and queue work?

A stack is a linear data structure in which elements can be added or removed only from the top. A stack follows the LIFO – Last In First Out principle meaning, the element that was added last is the first to come out.

A queue is a linear data structure in which elements can be inserted only from the rear, and can be removed only from the front. A queue follows the FIFO – First In First Out principle meaning, the element inserted at first is the first to be removed.

10. Where do we see stack and queue in real life?

Stack in real life:

  1. Pile of Books
  2. Women’s Bangles
  3. Floors in a Building
  4. Stack of Plates in a cupboard
  5. Cars parked in a narrow driveway

Queue in real life:

  1. Waiting line
  2. Car wash line
  3. Vehicles in a Traffic Signal
  4. People in an escalator

11. Explain hashmap data structure

A Hash Map (also known as Hash Table) is a data structure that allows you to store key-value pairs and efficiently retrieve the value associated with a given key. A real-world example for hashmap would be when you store your bags in a cloak room and get a token for the spot where you have stored. You will be able to retrieve your baggage only using the token.


There goes the top data structure questions and answers to ace your interview. Sandbox Environments are an ideal place to start practicing what you have learnt. If you are learning on your own, you can use an auto-evaluation supported sandbox like neocoder.

Will Online Assessments be the future of Interview Process?

In the current job market, online assessments have become an important part of the interview process. As the number of job applicants is increasing every year, E-assessments are making it easier for hiring managers to evaluate the candidates. Online Assessments are gaining dominance over traditional in-person interviews and they are likely to play an even bigger role in the interview process in the future.

Online Assessments in Interview

Benefits of Online Assessments

Expanded Talent Pool

One major benefit of e-assessments is that they can be administered remotely, which means that employers are not restricted to the talents available to a particular region. This is particularly useful in today’s globalized job market, where it is becoming increasingly common for companies to hire remote workers or to work with international partners. Also, anyone who is interested to join your company can give it a try, which increases your diversity quotient.


E-assessments results in a more objective and standardized method of evaluating candidates. With standard questions and a common grading system, recruiters can ensure that all the candidates are evaluated fairly and the best candidate is selected. The company also holds proof that there was no bias in the hiring process for future legal concerns, if any.

Positive Candidate Feedback

Online assessments eliminate all the hassles and waiting the candidates have to go through in an in-person interview. They can focus and ace the interview in the comfort of their homes. E-assessments also give the candidates a feeling of satisfaction and trust in the employer since they all have been evaluated fairly. This ensures more number and better-prepared applicants in the subsequent interviews.

No Logistics Cost

Since through e-assessments, candidates can give an interview from anywhere using their own computers, the logistics cost of the hiring process is greatly cut down. This can include costs such as travel expenses for the interviewer and the candidate, lodging, meals, and any equipment or materials needed for the interview.


In conclusion, e-assessments have proven to be a valuable tool for employers in evaluating job candidates. Especially when it comes to screening a large number of candidates, they have proven to be efficient, cost-effective, and objective.

But they cannot be used single-handedly to find the most suitable candidates. Online assessments are not sufficient to check the communication skills, attitude, cultural fit and spontaneity of a candidate. Also, e-assessments come with the risk of compromise in authenticity.

Hence, they should be used along with other methods of evaluation, such as group discussions, interviews, reference checks, and work samples. It is also highly critical to use e-assessment tools that are robust and secure. Look for an online assessment platform in the market that comes with,

  • Security certification
  • AI proctoring
  • Cloud hosting
  • Auto-code evaluators
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Data-driven dashboards
  • Features to prevent malpractices

The future of technology holds a large number of opportunities and e-assessments will likely play an even bigger role in the interview process. Instead of solely depending on them, employers should use online assessments to strengthen their interview process. To power up and automate your hiring process, collaborate with neohire.

7 Innovative Strategies for a Successful Campus Recruitment

Why do you need to hire on campus?

Due to the shortage of talent, filling entry-level positions has become a significant challenge for companies worldwide, and it has been identified as the top emerging risk. As a result, more employers are turning to college campuses to source potential candidates from the large talent pool. For companies with a high demand for recruiting, developing a campus recruitment strategy is the most sensible way for attracting the best candidates.

To know more about the major recruitment trends of 2023, visit our blog.

What is the current status of campus talents?

The talent pool of campus recruitment 2023 is highly diverse and competitive. With more and more students graduating each year and seeking employment, employers are facing a larger pool of potential candidates to choose from. This means that companies need to be strategic and innovative in their approach to campus hiring in order to stand out and attract the best talent.

Right now, Gen Z is an important demographic in campus recruitment and they occupy the highest share in the talent pool. Employers that are successful in attracting and retaining them will need to have a strong digital presence, focus on purpose and social impact, and be able to articulate their mission and values.

Campus recruitment strategies

1. Branding and Awareness

By creating a strong brand and increasing awareness, companies establish the image and reputation of an organization in the minds of potential job candidates. A strong brand can also help to differentiate the company from its competitors and establish it as a desirable employer, leading to a stronger and more productive talent pipeline. There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to building brand awareness.

  • Design engagement campaigns
  • Clearly communicate company values and mission
  • Conduct extensive email and SMS outreach to prospects
  • Provide updates on events, assessments, or links to enhance their exposure during the recruitment process.

2. Virtual Drives

Virtual campus recruitment refers to the process of recruiting students and recent graduates through virtual events, such as webinars, video conferences, or online assessments, rather than in-person events. Virtual Drives are effective way of recruiting since it can be conducted from anywhere and opens up the possibility for a global talent pool. It eliminates the logistics costs associated with any conventional hiring drive and hence stays pocket-friendly.

3. ATS

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a software used in the recruitment process to manage and automate the hiring process. Campus hiring often involves receiving a large volume of applications, and an ATS can help manage and organize this data, saving time and effort. ATS can automate many aspects of the recruitment process, such as candidate screening, scheduling interviews, and tracking candidate status, making the process more efficient. By using an ATS in campus hiring strategy, organizations can ultimately lead to a more efficient and effective hiring process.

4. Analyze as you progress

At every stage of your hiring process, measure your efforts and progress. This will help you figure our what is working and what is not. Also, it is essential to keep track of the candidate status at each stage to make an informed decision about your hiring strategy. This will also help you keep both the candidates and the organization well informed.

5. Rediscover Candidates

It is possible to miss out on qualified candidates. Maintaining a database of previous campus drive applicants and utilizing AI-powered tools to search for eligible candidates from that database can reduce your dependency on external job boards. By revisiting a pool of previously screened candidates, you can save time and resources that would have otherwise been spent on attracting and reviewing new candidates.

6. Pre-Onboarding Engagements

Don’t wait until the joining date to engage a new hire; keep them excited and anticipated from the day of hiring. It is commonly observed that new hires can lose interest and even not show up during the waiting period prior to joining a company.

You can keep them engaged by exposing them to your company cultures and mission. Let them have a better understanding of their job responsibility by giving them a chance to connect with the current employees. Get them started on the paperwork and also collect feedback on the hiring process. Invite them for an office campus tour or a hangout. This will give them a sense of belonging and familiarity at the time of joining.

7. Assess the efforts

Last but not least, thoroughly assess the results of your campus drive. Evaluating the efforts and progress made during each successful campus hiring can lead to an even more successful one in the future. Utilizing AI-powered software to assess your campus hiring strategies will ensure that you can maintain and build upon your success.

Gamification In Recruitment

Gamification is the use of game design elements and mechanics in non-game contexts to increase engagement, motivation, and participation. Gamification has found applications in different sectors such as education, marketing, and customer service, and now it is hoisting its flag in recruitment.

To explore how gamification has spiced up the education industry, check out our blog on gamification in the ed-tech industry.

The Danish Company, Uncle Grey used Team Fortress players to get applicants for their front-end developer role. They provided sponsorship to the game’s leading players, who then displayed Uncle Grey’s job advertisements in the game and adopted the job URL as their in-game name. The response generated a large pool of qualified candidates, ultimately resulting in the successful recruitment of their front-end developer.

International advertising agency, Ogilvy & Mather createda social media competition to recruit their sales person. The campaign promised a fellowship at Ogilvy if they can sell a block of brick. This challenge not only found their eligible candidates but also tremendously increased their brand visibility globally.

Phoenix Software used escape rooms to recruit their candidates. They had to apply their technical skills to figure out the clues of the game. This not only tested the candidates’ technical ability but also their performance under pressure and their ability to coordinate as a team.

These are some of the gamification examples in recruitment showing how it can engage your potential employees and enliven your hiring process.

How to use gamification in hiring?

Skill Assessments

One way to use gamification in hiring is to create skill assessments that use game-like mechanics. For example, instead of a typical multiple-choice test, a company can create an interactive game that tests the candidate’s skills. This not only makes the assessment process more engaging for the candidate but also provides a more accurate picture of their skills and abilities.

Simulation-Based Exercises

Another way gamification can be used in hiring is through simulation-based exercises. For example, a company can create a virtual simulation of a job task or scenario, and have candidates play through it. This allows the company to observe how the candidate performs in a realistic work situation, giving them a more accurate idea of their skills and how they would perform on the job.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is another gamification tool that can be used in hiring. Companies can create virtual reality experiences that allow candidates to explore the company’s workplace, culture, and values. This can give candidates a better sense of what it would be like to work for the company, which can help them decide if the company is a good fit for them.

Gamified Application Process

The application process itself can be gamified to make it more engaging and interactive for candidates. For example, a company can create a mini-game that candidates must complete as part of the application process. This not only makes the process more engaging for the candidate but also helps the company identify candidates who are willing to put in extra effort to apply for the job.

Employee Referral Programs

Gamification can also be used to encourage employee referrals. For example, a company can create a game that rewards employees for referring qualified candidates. This not only incentivizes employees to refer candidates but also makes the referral process more engaging and fun.

Benefits of Gamification in Recruitment

Better Analysis

Traditional interview settings can often limit candidates from showcasing their full potential. Gamification on the other hand, offers an accurate assessment of a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses which may not be apparent through standard interview questions alone.

This approach also enables the identification of non-tangible qualities, such as emotional intelligence, common sense, vigilance, adaptability and coordination.

More Accuracy

Artificial Intelligence is the base of gamification and hence it provides better results in terms of accuracy. There is not much intervention by humans in the process and hence it provides a fair and unbiased evaluation.

Improves Candidate Experience

The spontaneity of gamification in the recruitment process, creates a more enjoyable and less stressful experience for candidates. This allows them to relax and approach the hiring process with more confidence and focus.

Increased Brand Awareness

Even if a candidate does not make it through the gamification process, the high level of engagement can still leave a positive impression and increase their eagerness to participate in future recruitment efforts. Furthermore, their experience may encourage them to spread the word about the company’s recruitment process to a wider audience.

Challenges Involved


Although gamification can be an effective way to evaluate a candidate’s abilities, it may not always provide a straightforward assessment. Due to the lack of direct interaction and the difficulty in confirming the authenticity of the candidate’s performance, it may be necessary to conduct additional in-person interviews before making a final hiring decision.


Creating gamified hiring experiences can be expensive, especially if a company is using virtual reality or other advanced technologies.


Not all candidates may have access to the necessary technology or equipment to participate in gamified hiring experiences.


Companies need to ensure that gamified hiring experiences are fair and accessible to all candidates, regardless of their gaming skills or experience.

Data Privacy

Gamification can involve collecting and storing sensitive candidate data, which can create privacy concerns.

All these adversities must be kept in mind while implementing a gamification-led hiring process. However, with proper tools and effective strategy, it is definitely possible for companies to overcome these challenges and fully leverage the benefits of gamification in recruitment.


Overall, gamification in recruitment has proven to be a powerful tool for companies seeking to enhance their hiring process. It provides a unique opportunity to make the recruitment process more engaging, efficient, and effective while providing a fun and engaging experience for candidates. With the ongoing development of technology, the use of gamification is expected to grow further in the coming years.

In-Demand Tech Jobs for this Decade

As artificial intelligence is taking over a part of existing tech careers, there is always a fear of what’s next. It is good to know what the future holds and needs to make ourselves prepared for it. It’s difficult to accurately predict the top tech jobs in demand for the future, as the job market is constantly evolving and new technologies are being developed all the time. However, there are a few industries and fields that are expected to see significant growth in the coming years. Let us take a look at the tech jobs of the future and plan on what to do next.

Applications Software Developer

As an application developer, you will never go out of the market in this mobile-adopted world. The responsibilities of an application developer are to create and maintain an application. Since all industries are transforming to digitalisation, application development is crucial for everyone to stay on top of their businesses. Strong problem-solving skills, programming efficiency and familiarity with frameworks are foundations of becoming an application developer.

UX Designer

As more companies emerge, the pool of choices for users also expands. Hence along with quality, service and price, customers also look for a smooth user experience while choosing a product. A UX designer is responsible for improving the overall experience of the product or service. They design the interface, layout and overall flow of the product. Communication and visual designing skills are crucial for a UX designer.

Data Scientist

In this data-driven world, being a data analyst will help you survive and succeed as well. There has been a significant increase in data generation in recent years. A data scientist collects, analyzes and interprets large sets of data to help organizations make informed decisions. To become a data scientist, you need to identify and predict trends, visualize data and improve decision-making.

Cybersecurity Specialist

Nowadays, a greater number of devices are connected to the internet, and businesses are adapting to cloud computing. This increases the sophistication of cyber threats. Hence the role of a cybersecurity specialist has never been more critical. 

Their responsibility is to protect the organization’s systems and networks from cyber-attacks, keep the data safe and ensure uninterrupted operations. They must be knowledgeable in networking, security protocols, compliance, operating systems and programming.

AI and Machine Learning Engineer

AI and machine learning engineers are responsible for designing and building AI systems and applications and for ensuring that they are accurate, reliable, and effective. The importance of AI and machine learning is only expected to grow in the coming years as more and more organizations adopt these technologies to improve their operations and better serve their customers. To be successful in this field, one should be commendable in programming and machine learning algorithms. They should also have a solid mathematical background.

Full Stack Developer

Full stack developers design and build a complete website, the front end (user side) and the back end (server-side). As more and more organizations depend on web-based applications to do business, the demand for full stack developers will continue to grow. 

The role of the full stack developer will continue to evolve, with an emphasis on the development of cloud-based applications and the integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence into web applications. Full stack developers who can adapt to these changes and upskill themselves with the latest technologies will be well-positioned to succeed in the field.

top tech jobs in demand

Best skills to learn for the future

To summarize, upskilling yourself in any of the following future skills will help you land and hold a high paying IT job:

  • Python, Java, JavaScript, R
  • MEAN and MERN stack
  • Swift, Kotlin
  • SQL
  • Cryptography and Encryption
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Visual Communication
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Mining
  • Cloud Computing
  • Business Strategy
  • Hadoop
  • Internet of Things (IoT)


Technology is ever-evolving regardless of current market conditions. Every ten years, new innovations are made, and everyday needs constantly change. Keeping ourselves updated and upskilled is the only way to face the uncertain future confidently. Above all, continuous learning and development is the most required skill to succeed in any role. The information and technology industry can give you a successful and sophisticated life if you are ready to learn and evolve along with it.